
Dental Code

Current And Past Dental Terminology For D4911

Most common D4911 code reviews : HbA1c in-office, point-of-service testing - not covered, Scaling and debridement in the presence of inflammation or mucositis of a single implant, including leaning of the implant surfaces, without flap entry and closure or Intravenous moderate (conscious) sedation analgesia - each additional 15 minutes.

D4911 Procedures:

Non-autogenous connective tissue graft procedure (including recipient surgical site and donor material) - each additional contiguous tooth, implant or edentulous tooth position in same graft site. Local anesthesia is usually considered a component part of periodontal procedures, but dependent upon the plan will allow up to 50% of D4911 - allow up to a maximum of 3 teeth per quadrant

D4911 Dental Code

Most often D4911 related to the diagnosis of an infection, which may be covered by a patient`s medical insurance the dental office may want to confirm which plan offers the best benefits to the patient).

2019 D4911 CDT

In lieu of surgery, the formation of a pathway to achieve an apical seal without surgical intervention ecause of a non-negotiable root canal blocked by foreign bodies,D4911 included but not limited to separated instruments, broken posts or alcification of 50% or more of the roots.

2025 (Updated) Version D4911

Incomplete endodontic therapy - inoperable or fractured tooth.

Indirectly fabricated post and core in addition to crown is Benefited only on a completed endodontically treated tooth. **An indirectly fabricated post and core for an anterior tooth is Benefited only when there is insufficient tooth structure to support an indirectly fabricated restoration due to loss of actual tooth structure from caries or fracture. If sufficient tooth structure remains, the fee for the post and core is Disallowed.

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